Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 34 - Mjölnir

I'm not really into comics and never really understood the differences between Marvel and Capcom, and all those other stuff. To me, all of them are the same--heroes in spandex fighting bad guys. Haha.

I watched Thor today and it was neither good or bad in my opinion. For some reason, I was not satisfied at the end of the movie. It feels like it's lacking something, and Thor's accent totally caught me off gaurd. It definitely was not as good as Captain America or Iron Man though. Natalie Portman was really cute in that movie, which made it bearable to watch, although some parts were pretty dumb. All their names in the movie seemed funny too me: Allfather, Odison, Heimdall, Asgardians, and my personal favorite, Jotunheimr. It's pronunciation is too funny!

With the The Avengers coming up, I hope it's not gonna be over hyped and suck ass like.... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Scarlett Johansson will make it worth watching though. Hahaha!

I went to Wal-Mart today with my mom and saw this--what a coincidence! I had to buy it, just 'cause. Haha. It shoots lighting! So cool!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, the whole movie, I kept thinking "Thor reminds me of Brad Pitt" and "Brad Pitt would fit Thor's role perfectly." It might be because the main character in Thor resembled Brad Pitt or that he resembled Brad's role of Achilles in Troy. haha
