Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 38 - The Guardian

It felt so good to finally be back in the water and in my speedo after so long, especially in today's weather! Getting a workout and a tan! Double whammy! I can't remember the last time I swam in a legit pool and did actual workouts. So  today, I hit up the ARC (Anteater Recreational Center at UCI) with my friend. The water was kept at 80 degrees, a bit too hot in my opinion.

Both of us were way out of shape; after swimming just a 200, we were tired as hell lmao. Luckily, there was a spare water polo ball in the containers at UCI; tossing it around brought back high school memories. We later found some bricks on deck, and BAM! I remembered in The Guardian where they pushed the brick along the bottom of the pool from end to end. We ended up doing that about four times... So tiring...

Check out the trailer for The Guardian! With the IMDB ratings at just a 6.7, it's still on my "All-Time Favorite Movies" list. Let's face it, critics are dumb. Period.

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