Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 54 - Seasons

Three years ago, I was sitting in my AP Lit class. Our classroom was the school’s drama room, so it wasn’t the conventional high school setting. We were sitting in a lecture room like atmosphere, which was unique and strange.

Being me, I chose the seat furthest towards the back; the seat with the best view--of everything. Every day, I would just stare outside at these trees while my teacher was talking about his life. I would rarely listen to what he has to say because he’s an egotistic douche, but on the last week of my senior year, he pulled me aside and we had a talk.

He said he noticed that I’ve been staring outside regularly and wasn’t paying attention to his class. He said he let it slide because I was passing the class (just barely). He then asked me what was so intriguing that made me always look out there.

I simply replied, “The trees.”

He paused for a moment and took a long look of what I’ve been staring at for 183 days.
He stroked his little Japanese moustache, and then he started scratching the back of his head and said, “I don’t see it.” 

I explained to him that it’s interesting how the leaves start to sprout in the fall; flowers begin to bloom in the winter, and eventually die off in the spring. As we stood there looking outside from the empty drama room, all he could see is three colorless trees without leaves in the late spring/early summer (which is normally when most plants thrive). On the other hand, what I saw was 183 days of gradual changes. He didn’t--he couldn’t see what I saw. 

He chuckled his little Japanese chuckled and said out of his twenty some years of teaching here, he never noticed it. He then complimented me for my keen observation and wished me good luck on graduating. 

Today’s the first day of fall, take a moment and enjoy your surroundings. 

Click to enjoy the GIF!

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