Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 15 - Cycle

I have been on a strict training schedule ever since I joined the NASA space team. We are conducting a study to see the effects of microgravity in space on the human muscles, specifically the leg and thigh.

The program requires the participant to undergo arduous training, but first, they had to do a control experiment to establish a baseline. They performed 3RM unilateral and bilateral testing, and measured the VO2 max potential. After that, the training began. We started with 30 minutes of nonstop weight resistant pedaling at 70% max heart rate, which slowly increased every week accordingly. In addition to cycling, weights are involved to further work out the leg and thigh muscles. Leg presses and toe raises were performed at 80% of our max, which also increases weekly.

Everyone in the cohort has different measurements and maxes, but currently, my status holds at 60 minutes of nonstop pedal on 1.7kg resistance for each foot while maintaining a heart rate of 183 beats per minute.... every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.... In addition, I have to do 4 sets of leg press at 480lb and 8 sets of 410lb toe raises every Tuesday and Thursday, 12 and 15 reps respectively.

According to the heart monitor, after each workout, I burn an average of 840+ calories. Damn, that's more than a Double-Double and a soda.... Even though I feel so refreshed after each workout, I dread every morning going into the training room--it seems like an endless cycle. Pun intended.

The photo is a picture of my bike all scratched up, but I don't care--I still love it! It's my gas saving, green friendly baby that I use everyday to and from class. Can't wait to ride this baby to the beach!

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