Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 24 - Memory Lane

School is right around the corner, and it's gonna be my third year. Yay for upper divisions haha. I was cleaning out my room and reorganizing the shelf today and ran across my varsity patches from high school in an old shoebox. God, those times were so chill. I mainly prioritized sports, but I guess you can say it was worth it. Priceless memories.

And, about those varsity bars. I cussed out my water polo coach and got kicked off the swim team for fighting, all during senior year. So I didn't "letter" LOL. It also explains why there are no 2009 patches. Yeap, I was supposed to have three bars total!

Time flies, high school was too funny.

1 comment:

  1. Dang dude I think you almost have more than I do... :I but I threw away all of mine a long time ago haha
