Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 21 - Nirvana

Today is such a b-e-a-u-tiful day! I woke up late, had a huge brunch, and just relaxed all day. I finally caught up to Jersey Shore and downloaded all the episodes of Pretty Little Liars... Lol.

After getting bored of watching videos, I went over to my parent's room, opened up all the windows, and just laid there staring outside. I could see all the various trees my dad had planted; from oranges, to limes, to bananas, to papaya, etc. my dad plants everything! The view was so tranquil, I wish I had the time to do this more often. Also, the cool summer breeze was calm and settling--it made me feel so at ease.

Then, I noticed a single red rose blossoming near the window, and wondered why would my dad plant a rose bush there. Later, I asked and he said it was to make it more "romantic" for my mom. Hahaha, my dad is such a player!

1 comment:

  1. Jersey Shore & Pretty Little Liars? pfffffft

    Your dad is so nice haha
